Powerhouse Lifters

Powerhouse Lifters

Contractors in Center Point, AL


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2329 3rd Way NE,
Center Point , AL 35215 UNITED STATES

About Powerhouse Lifters

Backed by more than 20 years of experience, our general contractor and home builder in Birmingham, Alabama, offers a warranty on all work performed and treats every customer's property as if it were his own. The hardworking team at Powerhouse Lifters builds houses from the ground up and completes any size home improvement projects. We never leave behind debris, and we make sure all areas are left properly cleaned. Our owner is a youth football coach who gives back to the community and actively supports the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) program for students.


Powerhouse Lifters 205-719-6088
2329 3rd Way NE,
Center Point , AL 35215 UNITED STATES
Powerhouse Lifters

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Powerhouse Lifters

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