S & S Transmissions

S & S Transmissions

Auto Repair in Longview, TX

Auto Repair

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8792 US-259,
Longview , TX 75605 UNITED STATES

About S & S Transmissions

S & S Transmissions is a transmission repair shop serving the drivers of Longview, TX, and the surrounding areas. We specialize in transmission repairs and free towing services.

We want to provide complete satisfaction for our customers. Part of our effort to achieve this includes providing personalized service at affordable rates. As a testament to our quality of work, we receive many referrals to family and friends from our existing customers. If there's anything we can do to make your experience a little easier, just ask. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and look forward to earning your business.


S & S Transmissions 903-663-0741
8792 US-259,
Longview , TX 75605 UNITED STATES
S & S Transmissions

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