Hoover Wheel Alignment

Hoover Wheel Alignment

Auto Repair in Minneapolis, MN

Auto Repair

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207 N Lowry Ave,
Minneapolis , MN 55411 UNITED STATES

About Hoover Wheel Alignment

~Se Habla Espanol~

Rich Schultz is new owner of Hoover Wheel Alignment since 01/01/2015. You would never know there has been a change in ownership because of the same great mechanics, same great place for all of your alignment and suspension work.We are now a more diverse company with the addition of a Spanish speaking mechanic!

Family owned & operated since 1950, Hoover Wheel Alignment is the place to go for all of your wheel alignment, suspension work, brake services and complete front-end repair.



Hoover Wheel Alignment 612-522-4489
207 N Lowry Ave,
Minneapolis , MN 55411 UNITED STATES
Hoover Wheel Alignment

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Hoover Wheel Alignment
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Hoover Wheel Alignment

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