KJ Sterns Towing

KJ Sterns Towing

Auto Repair in Wilton, NY

Auto Repair Towing

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5 Commerce Park Dr.,
Wilton , NY 12831 UNITED STATES

About KJ Sterns Towing

At KJ Sterns Towing we offer punctual and friendly heavy duty towing services to Wiilton, Saratoga Springs, Clifton Park, NY and the surrounding area. Washington, and Warren counties. With our 24/7 emergency services we can offer our customers the peace of mind that their breakdown will be responded to rapidly and professionally. We are family owned and operated with 6 years in business and over 30 years’ experience in the industry. We know that a broken down tractor or commercial vehicle can be quite a stressful event and we seek to help our customers find repair or replacement solutions that get them back on the road as soon as possible.


KJ Sterns Towing 518-587-5300
5 Commerce Park Dr.,
Wilton , NY 12831 UNITED STATES
KJ Sterns Towing

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KJ Sterns Towing
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KJ Sterns Towing

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