Marty's City Auto Inc.

Marty's City Auto Inc.

Auto Repair in Galveston, TX

Auto Repair Towing

Contact us


520 44th st,
Galveston , TX 77550 UNITED STATES

About Marty's City Auto Inc.

Your car lets you complete essential daily activities such as traveling to and from work, buying groceries, and picking up the children from school. You depend on it, so it’s important your car receives quality repairs and service.

When you bring your car to Marty's City Auto, Inc., we make sure your car leaves trouble-free so you can have your freedom, and your peace of mind.

With over three decades of combined industry experience behind its team, Marty's City Auto and Marty’s Towing LLC has dominated the towing, recovery, and automotive repair industry. At Marty's City Auto, our idea of customer service extends beyond the haul from one destination to the next, but instead, it is identifying the needs of customers, recognizing their concerns, and going above and beyond to meet their needs.

Proudly, our team of service operators lead the industry in cutting-edge training, and are skilled in safety and incident management. Dispatch operators are trained to properly assess every situation, to utilize logistics for accurately pinpointing the customer location, and to rapidly route the driver's vehicle, all while having the right equipment to serve them. All towing operators are familiarized with the Galveston County region and neighboring localities wherein we provide service. We've earned our reputation throughout Galveston because when it comes to safety and efficiency, and with a growing fleet, we are able to respond promptly to every service call.

We have earned a great reputation in our community the go-to towing and roadside assistance provider throughout Galveston County, and that's because we are guided by three basic principles:
Customer Service, Innovation and Integrity.


Marty's City Auto Inc. 409-765-9788
520 44th st,
Galveston , TX 77550 UNITED STATES
Marty's City Auto Inc.

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Marty's City Auto Inc.
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Marty's City Auto Inc.

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