Amore Strings LLC

Amore Strings LLC

Music Stores in Lexington, KY

Music Stores

Contact us


340 Legion Dr Ste 8,
Lexington , KY 40504 UNITED STATES

About Amore Strings LLC

If you're looking for beautiful string instruments to rent or buy then we are the place you need to go. We strive to provide all string players with quality string instruments that will inspire musicians of any age. When you choose a musical instrument from us, you can know it's one that has been set correctly and that the dedicated workmanship will show.

Stop in to browse from a variety of items that we offer, from an assortment of violins, violas, and cellos in a variety of sizes to all the string instrument accessories a musician would need. Our business owner Paul has been giving string instrument lessons for over forty years and with experience like that, you know he'll be able help you find what you need. We also offer a variety of services from music lessons to instrument repair and no contract string instrument rentals for progressing students and professionals alike. Stop in today to see all that we offer!


Amore Strings LLC 859-552-7929
340 Legion Dr Ste 8,
Lexington , KY 40504 UNITED STATES
Amore Strings LLC

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Amore Strings LLC
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Amore Strings LLC

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