Team Wheels Auto Body LLC

Team Wheels Auto Body LLC

Auto Repair in Rahway, NJ

Auto Repair

Contact us


2011 Elizabeth Ave,
Rahway , NJ 07065 UNITED STATES

About Team Wheels Auto Body LLC

Team Wheels Auto Body LLC is located in the city of Rahway, NJ and has been in the business for quite a while providing car repair and maintenance to the community. It is important to have an auto body shop that you can depend on. They must be reliable and trustworthy so that you know that you are getting a good price for the work that you are having done. There are many auto body repair shops out there that will give unknowing customers higher prices for their services, which is just completely wrong. Here at Team Wheels Auto Body LLC, you can be sure that we will always provide you with the kind of service that you are looking for and we always give you a fair price for the work that you are doing.

If you have had an accident and you would like to find a place that can easily get your car back to its original beauty, come to us at Team Wheels Auto Body LLC and you will have your car back in no time. We offer all that you would need in auto body repair, with all of the experience that we have in the business, we will always provide our customers with the best service that you can get. We have many loyal customers that can attest to the quality of work that we do for our clients.

There are a great many auto body repair shops, but when it comes to giving our customers what they are looking for, there is no comparison between the quality of work that we do and how everyone else does it. We have trained professionals on staff that can provide the kind of service that you can depend on and you will always get an honest price from us here at Team Wheels Auto Body LLC. Our goal is to provide you with the best service possible so that you will know that you can always come back to us for the kind of service that we provide.

Bring your car in any time or make an appointment and you will see that there is no one out there like us. Providing the best customer service to our given area is our most important attribute, we are located in Rahway, NJ but we also service the Summit, Atlantic city, Livingston, New York, and much more. Our service is second to none and you will see that as soon as you see our work.


Team Wheels Auto Body LLC 732-574-0200
2011 Elizabeth Ave,
Rahway , NJ 07065 UNITED STATES
Team Wheels Auto Body LLC

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Team Wheels Auto Body LLC
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Team Wheels Auto Body LLC

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