Convenience Car Care

Convenience Car Care

Auto Repair in Northfield, MN

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Towing

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32995 Northfield Blvd,
Northfield , MN 55057 UNITED STATES

About Convenience Car Care

Convenience Car Care is an auto care center in Northfield, Minnesota. For 15 years, Convenience Car Care (CCC) has provided excellent auto care services. When it comes to vehicle maintenance and repair, our aim is to provide quality service. Our full-service maintenance and repair shop is prepared to take care of any issues that need to be resolved. We perform both import and domestic repairs, including brakes, fuel injection systems, computerized engine controls, and even offer towing and car starting services! Whatever is wrong with your car let our ASE Certified ASA Technician take care of it! We fix or replace the following: Air conditioning Alignments Batteries Brakes Computerized engine controls Fuel injection repair Hitches Mufflers Shocks Struts Steering Suspension Tires As an ASE Certified ASA member, our business takes quality and customer service seriously, and we take time to answer your questions. Convenience Care Center also adheres to a strict code of ethics, so the customer knows up front what to expect. Because of so many personal referrals, our company has continued to grow over the years. We look forward to showing you exactly what excellent car care service looks like! Call our service center today! Return policy: most repairs carry a nationwide 12 month/ 12000 mile warranty


Convenience Car Care 507-663-7731
32995 Northfield Blvd,
Northfield , MN 55057 UNITED STATES
Convenience Car Care

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Convenience Car Care
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Convenience Car Care

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