Affordable Automotive

Affordable Automotive

Auto Repair in Ceres, CA

Auto Repair

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1321 Rockefeller Drive, Suite A2
Ceres , CA 95307 UNITED STATES

About Affordable Automotive

Affordable Automotive Services has proudly provided quality automotive service & repair in the Ceres, CA area and surrounding communities for years. We pride ourselves on our customer service and attention to detail. We ensure that our customers are 100% satisfied, while fixing your vehicle right, the first time. Fixing your car is about trust! The majority of our new business comes from repeat customers and we get a ton of referrals from customers who have had their car fixed with us and decided to refer their friends and family. Take a look at our list of auto repair and maintenance services below and give us a call with any questions or if you need more information!


Affordable Automotive 209-537-5602
1321 Rockefeller Drive, Suite A2
Ceres , CA 95307 UNITED STATES
Affordable Automotive

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