Lawson's Truck Repair

Lawson's Truck Repair

Auto Repair in Redlands, CA

Auto Repair Towing Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


2411 W Lugonia Avenue,
Redlands , CA 92374 UNITED STATES

About Lawson's Truck Repair

Since 1983, Lawson's Truck Repair has been providing quality mobile truck and trailer repair to Redlands, CA and surrounding communities. We pride ourselves on our customer service and attention to detail and ensure that our customers are 100% satisfied, while fixing your vehicle right, the first time.

Our mechanics at Lawson's Truck Repair also provide emergency roadside assistance, mobile truck and trailer repair, on-site fleet maintenance, semi truck repair, free estimates and much more! At Lawson's Truck Repair, we are dedicated to providing quality service for all your truck, trailer or fleet repair needs.

We also offer parking & storage for big trucks & trailers.

Call our trained and experienced technicians today!

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Lawson's Truck Repair 909-796-3096
2411 W Lugonia Avenue,
Redlands , CA 92374 UNITED STATES
Lawson's Truck Repair

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