Epit-of-Eves Catering

Epit-of-Eves Catering

Business To Business in Sliver Spring, MD

Business To Business

Contact us


Montgomery County,
Sliver Spring , MD 20904 UNITED STATES

About Epit-of-Eves Catering

Welcome to Epit-of-Eves LLC., the Epitome of Taste and Elegance. At Epit of Eves, we specialize in quality catering and baking services for you. By choosing our establishment, you have demonstrated a true appreciation for the finer things in life. Let us show you how we are famous for creating gathering places for the discriminating executive, entrepreneur, reunion and socialite. The quality of our food and service highlights our commitment to excellence and satisfaction.

Some of the services we provide are: Wedding Catering, Anniversary Catering, Birthday Party Catering, Home Party Catering, Family Reunion Catering, Bar Mitzvah Catering, Personal Chef Catering, Private Catering.

If there is any type of party that you need a caterer for please don't hesitate to call us!


Epit-of-Eves Catering 301-613-8267
Montgomery County,
Sliver Spring , MD 20904 UNITED STATES
Epit-of-Eves Catering

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Epit-of-Eves Catering
Business To Business
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catering wedding,  catering
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Epit-of-Eves Catering

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