Sidney M Fishman MD

Sidney M Fishman MD

Doctors in Los Alamitos, CA


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3851 Katella Ave Ste 320,
Los Alamitos , CA 90720 UNITED STATES

About Sidney M Fishman MD

At Sidney M. Fishman, MD, FACS Inc, we recognize that you have a choice when it comes to your preferred ear, nose and throat specialist (known as an otolaryngologist). That's why we want you to be as informed as possible about our practice; ear, nose and throat related health issues; and treatment options. We've created this information-rich website to give you 24/7 access to an array of the most common ear, nose and throat topics. The more you know, the more comfortable we hope you and your family will be with our otolaryngology practice.


Sidney M Fishman MD 562-596-2925
3851 Katella Ave Ste 320,
Los Alamitos , CA 90720 UNITED STATES
Sidney M Fishman MD

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