IPS Perforating, Inc.

IPS Perforating, Inc.

in Statesville, NC

Contact us


1821 Weinig St.,
Statesville , NC 28677

About IPS Perforating, Inc.

At IPS Perforating, Inc., we take punching holes in objects to an entirely new level, showing that you can enjoy both artistic and functional benefits. Our precise perforating services ensure the first job is done properly and every subsequent one is of the same consistent quality. Whether you require tiny pin holes, known as micro-venting or micro-perforation, or standard perforating of cut-out holes, your satisfaction is guaranteed. We have worked with a wide variety of industries, including automotive, interior design, and more to create everything from excellent home movie theatres to graphics on aircraft and windows.


IPS Perforating, Inc. 704-881-0050
1821 Weinig St.,
Statesville , NC 28677
IPS Perforating, Inc.

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IPS Perforating, Inc.
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IPS Perforating, Inc.

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