Joseph R. Megale, P.C.

Joseph R. Megale, P.C.

Lawyers and Law Firms in Garden City, NY

Lawyers and Law Firms

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100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 400
Garden City , NY 11530 UNITED STATES

About Joseph R. Megale, P.C.

When you experience an arrest or a serious injury, everything can change – we know that at Joseph R. Megale, P.C. With more than 30 years experience litigating on our clients' behalf, you can focus on living your life, instead of finding yourself overwhelmed and worried about your court case.


Joseph R. Megale, P.C. 516-746-7000
100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 400
Garden City , NY 11530 UNITED STATES
Joseph R. Megale, P.C.

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