Hunzeker Ford

Hunzeker Ford

Auto Dealers in Preston, ID

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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801 North State St,
Preston , ID 83263 UNITED STATES

About Hunzeker Ford

If you're in the market for a new or used car, you've come to the right place. The staff at Hunzeker Ford is committed to helping you find the right vehicle for your needs. What's more, they're also dedicated to helping you maintain it long after you drive it home for the first time. We’ve got a great selection of new Ford vehicles. And, those looking to keep some of that hard-earned money in their pockets may want to consider our lineup used cars as well. Of course, whether you choose new or used, Hunzeker Ford staffs a team of expert auto finance specialists who can help you find the right loan or lease for your needs. From start to finish, we're by your side to make the buying process as easy as possible.

And after you've purchased your next vehicle, Hunzeker Ford doesn't go anywhere. Instead, we continue to support you with an onsite service department, which operates using only certified Ford parts – a combination that's sure to result in many worry-free miles in your vehicle's future. Whatever your automotive needs may be, Hunzeker Ford is here to serve you. Come see what we can do for you today!


Hunzeker Ford 208-852-3853
801 North State St,
Preston , ID 83263 UNITED STATES
Hunzeker Ford

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Hunzeker Ford

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