The Mechanic OC

The Mechanic OC

Auto Repair in Mission Viejo, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

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25761 Obrero Dr, A
Mission Viejo , CA 92691 UNITED STATES

About The Mechanic OC

We have been servicing the Mission Viejo area for a little over a year with nothing but the best auto repair services around. Taking pride in all of the work we do, our mechanics are trained and certified to repair any make or model vehicle. We understand that all vehicles are different so the auto repairs needed will vary as well. With state of the art equipment, let our one-stop-shop service your vehicle today! From oil changes and tune ups to brake repair and transmission rebuilds, we have you covered and promise to fix it right the first time, on time, every time! Don't settle for just any auto repair shop in town, call the one you know can be trusted!


The Mechanic OC 949-464-8909
25761 Obrero Dr, A
Mission Viejo , CA 92691 UNITED STATES
The Mechanic OC

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The Mechanic OC
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The Mechanic OC

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