QT Lab Testing, LLC

QT Lab Testing, LLC

Health and Medical in Delray Beach, FL

Health and Medical

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601 N Congress Ave. Suite 104B,
Delray Beach , FL 33445 UNITED STATES

About QT Lab Testing, LLC

QT Drug Testing is the premier toxicology testing company in Palm Beach and Broward Counties. Confidential, discreet services with respect for client privacy and dignity are the ideals and principles upon which this company was founded.

QT Drug Testing specializes in testing for schools and the legal/justice system. We are the official testing company for the Palm Beach County School District and we are an approved testing company for the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

QT Drug Testing offers 24/7 post-accident availability for employers within 75 miles of Delray Beach.

We specialize in working with family law attorneys in divorce cases, and court-ordered testing programs such as those related to child custody and probation.

Convenient hours - M – F, 11am to 7pm
Lowest prices in Palm Beach & Broward Counties


QT Lab Testing, LLC 561-542-1509
601 N Congress Ave. Suite 104B,
Delray Beach , FL 33445 UNITED STATES
QT Lab Testing, LLC

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QT Lab Testing, LLC
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QT Lab Testing, LLC

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