Ridge Church

Ridge Church

Churches in Wetumpka, AL


Contact us


200 Red Eagle Dr,
Wetumpka , AL 36092 UNITED STATES

About Ridge Church

Ridge Church is partnered with the Association of Related Churches (ARC). Our vision is to create a church with the unchurched in mind. Every local church has its unique brand or DNA as it expresses itself within a particular cultural context. The look and feel and focus will vary from one local church to the next. We are passionate about reaching people who have never been to church or who haven't been in a long time. We believe that the truth of the Gospel should be the only thing that softens and hardens hearts. Therefore our goal is to create experiences that are so engaging and life-giving that people want to return and bring somebody with them!


Ridge Church 334-452-3650
200 Red Eagle Dr,
Wetumpka , AL 36092 UNITED STATES
Ridge Church

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Ridge Church

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