Generation Bliss

Generation Bliss

Clothing in Lemont, IL

Clothing Clothing Accessories Womens Clothing

Contact us


14184 McCarthy Rd,
Lemont , IL 60439 UNITED STATES

About Generation Bliss

Night on the town? Or maybe just a day out with friends. We know that wherever you go you want to look your very best. Our boutique specializes in hip women and men's apparel, accessories, and style.

This shop was created as an extension of Ela's fashion blog. We are constantly watching the trends to keep our clothing one step ahead. Most of the items we carry can't be found in the US and are limited in availability.

It's easy to simply follow trends, but to be unique, follow your bliss!

See you soon!


Generation Bliss 630-243-0545
14184 McCarthy Rd,
Lemont , IL 60439 UNITED STATES
Generation Bliss

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Generation Bliss
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Generation Bliss

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