Master Automotive Center Inc.

Master Automotive Center Inc.

Buses in Lake Park, FL

Buses Auto Repair

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849 15th St Suite #4,
Lake Park , FL 33403 UNITED STATES

About Master Automotive Center Inc.

Master Automotive Center Inc. is a top Lake Park auto body shop and mechanic. Here at Master Automotive Center Inc., we have always had a passion for cars. We want to take that passion and put it to good use by providing our technical expertise with the highest degree of integrity and dedication to customer service. In this business, success comes down to the reputation a shop has in the community. We are proud of the reputation for excellence we have earned over the years, because a reputation can’t be bought – it can only be built, one customer at a time.

But we aren’t satisfied with what we have achieved so far.



Master Automotive Center Inc. 561-644-1292
849 15th St Suite #4,
Lake Park , FL 33403 UNITED STATES
Master Automotive Center Inc.

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Master Automotive Center Inc.

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