Masada Memorial Chapels

Masada Memorial Chapels

Funeral Homes & Directors in Brooklyn, NY

Funeral Homes & Directors

Contact us


2005 Coney Island ave,
Brooklyn , NY 11223 UNITED STATES

About Masada Memorial Chapels

We are pleased to announce the completion of our brand new funeral home in Brooklyn which can accommodate close to 400 mourners. If you prefer only a graveside service, our memorial chapel can provide a serene setting for a private, dignified goodbye in tradition prior to proceeding to the cemetery for the interment, and ideal option, especially in inclement weather!

We serve Russian and Jewish community of New York


Masada Memorial Chapels 718-336-3636
2005 Coney Island ave,
Brooklyn , NY 11223 UNITED STATES
Masada Memorial Chapels

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Masada Memorial Chapels
Funeral Homes & Directors
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funeral home in brooklyn,  cremation services brooklyn ny,  funeral homes in brooklyn ny
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Masada Memorial Chapels

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