Lincoln Automall

Lincoln Automall

Auto Dealers in Lincoln, CA

Auto Dealers

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706 Lincoln Blvd,
Lincoln , CA 95648 UNITED STATES

About Lincoln Automall

We sell quality used cars, trucks, SUV's and sometimes RV's. Most our vehicles were trade-ins at our new-car store in Sacramento and have been subjected to inspection and maintenance at our service facility there. We have direct credit union financing available for those that qualify and other lenders (including sub-prime) for those that don't. We have served Lincoln and the surrounding communities for over 16 years and employ a soft approach with only one person to deal with. We only sell clean-title vehicles and all come with a CarFax Vehicle History Report.


Lincoln Automall 916-645-2277
706 Lincoln Blvd,
Lincoln , CA 95648 UNITED STATES
Lincoln Automall

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Lincoln Automall
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Lincoln Automall

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