Baby Guard Inc.

Baby Guard Inc.

Lumber & Building Supplies in Coral Springs, FL

Lumber & Building Supplies Contractors

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11947 W. Sample Road,
Coral Springs , FL 33065 UNITED STATES

About Baby Guard Inc.

Baby Guard Pool Fence Company is one of the largest and most trusted manufacturers of pool safety fencing in the United States. We have been leading the industry since its inception in 1995. Baby Guard believes it has the safest, most affordable pool fences available today. Our fences can be customized to fit any size pool. Baby Guard fences are available in either 4 or 5 foot heights and can be installed on nearly all deck surfaces including brick pavers, wood, tile, grass or dirt, seawalls, acrylic and more. At Baby Guard, we don't just make great child fences, we also help protect pets and the elderly from falling into the pool.


Baby Guard Inc. 954-741-6351
11947 W. Sample Road,
Coral Springs , FL 33065 UNITED STATES
Baby Guard Inc.

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Baby Guard Inc.
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