Interior Magic of South Florida

Interior Magic of South Florida

Automotive in Davie, FL

Automotive Auto Repair

Contact us


4611 S University Dr, #431
Davie , FL 33328 UNITED STATES

About Interior Magic of South Florida

Interior Magic has more than 40 franchises in 17 states and is recognized in Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the top 500 franchises in the US for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. It was ranked as the number one “automotive reconditioning franchise” in Opportunity World Magazine in 2009. We currently have 6 certified technicians who service the metro Atlanta area providing the highest quality work for cigarette burn repair, leather repair, stain removal, alloy wheel repair, windshield chip repair, carpet dying, vinyl repair, odor removal, headlight restoration and more.


Interior Magic of South Florida 770-594-6376
4611 S University Dr, #431
Davie , FL 33328 UNITED STATES
Interior Magic of South Florida

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Interior Magic of South Florida

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