Valley Hi Kia

Valley Hi Kia

Auto Dealers in Victorville, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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14673 Civic Dr,
Victorville , CA 92394 UNITED STATES

About Valley Hi Kia

Looking for a great car buying experience from your trusted Victorville Kia dealer? We have a complete lineup of new and used cars for the Victorville, Riverside, and San Bernardino region, and our customer care continues long after you buy or lease a Kia - thanks to our dedicated car service and auto repair team. Valley Hi Kia makes the process of securing Kia your next vehicle easy for you. Stop in and see what makes us different!
Valley Hi Kia strives to maintain a complete inventory of new 2016 and 2017 Kia vehicles. Select from all of the latest Kia models including the Soul, Forte, Sedona, Sorento, Sportage, Optima and more. We are also one of few dealerships rated to sell and maintain the brand new Kia K900. We want to make the buying experience for our customers easy and hassle free which is why we take pride in being the dealership in the Victorville, Pomona, Riverside, and San Bernardino area that makes this as simple as possible for you. Please feel free to stop by or contact us to take a test drive with one of our auto experts and see why the vehicles from Kia are so popular.


Valley Hi Kia 855-857-2915
14673 Civic Dr,
Victorville , CA 92394 UNITED STATES
Valley Hi Kia

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