You Call We Haul

You Call We Haul

Auto Dealers in Charles City, VA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Towing

Contact us


6600 Chambers Road,
Charles City , VA 23030 UNITED STATES

About You Call We Haul

Through our national network of licensed tow companies and recyclers such as Lacy Auto Parts Richmond VA, You Call We Haul can pick up and dispose of any old junk vehicle, clunker, lemon or lime. Get real bids from real buyers. They’ll bid on your vehicle in real time, giving you fast local service and the best price. Most owners receive their instant offer within one hour. We will tow your car for free with no waiting! Select a pick-up time that works for you. We’ll verify your car’s condition, check the title status, and handle all the paperwork. We partner with the absolute best transportation agents and recycling operations making responsible decisions that benefit you and the environment. We buy all kinds of used, damaged, and non-functioning vehicles. That includes cars, trucks, wagons, sport utility vehicles, and even hybrids. Don’t get duped into giving your junk car to a service that uses an algorithm to give you the lowest price, choose You Call We Haul, and connect with people, not computers.


You Call We Haul 866-771-5865
6600 Chambers Road,
Charles City , VA 23030 UNITED STATES
You Call We Haul

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