Gary B Feldman DPM - Hicksville

Gary B Feldman DPM - Hicksville

Doctors in Hicksville, NY


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232 West Old Country Rd,
Hicksville , NY 11801 UNITED STATES

About Gary B Feldman DPM - Hicksville

**We do not accept Medicaid, Fidelis, Health First, Worker's Compensation, Affinity, or Metro Plus

35 years experience
PinPointe Laser for nail fungus
gentle routine care for corns, calluses and painful toenails
office and hospital surgery for hammertoes, bunions
insurance accepted
medicare, blue cross, cigna, ghi, emblem health, hip, oxford, united health care


Gary B Feldman DPM - Hicksville 516-727-7380
232 West Old Country Rd,
Hicksville , NY 11801 UNITED STATES
Gary B Feldman DPM - Hicksville

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Gary B Feldman DPM - Hicksville

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