Cole Law Office

Cole Law Office

Lawyers and Law Firms in Ogden, UT

Lawyers and Law Firms

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289 24th St, Ste 101,
Ogden , UT 84401 UNITED STATES

About Cole Law Office

A mistake you made today can cause severe ramifications that will be felt for years to come. Protect your rights by counting on the criminal defense attorney at Cole Law Office in Ogden, UT. Our lawyer will work hard to present your side of the case to the judge in a way that will ensure the best possible outcome.

Let the attorney at Cole Law Office look over every aspect of your personal injury case to determine the approach that will get you the justice you deserve. Our lawyer will help you secure money to pay for medical bills, pain and suffering and time away from work, as well as bringing the other party's negligence to light. Come to the Cole Law Office in Ogden, UT, for the personal injury assistance you need.


Cole Law Office 801-334-9537
289 24th St, Ste 101,
Ogden , UT 84401 UNITED STATES
Cole Law Office

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