Purcell Tire and Service Center

Purcell Tire and Service Center

Auto Repair in Granite City, IL

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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2248 Madison Ave,
Granite City , IL 62040 UNITED STATES

About Purcell Tire and Service Center

We’ll keep you moving at Purcell Tire and Service Centers. We have grown through our 82 years in the business to become your tire dealer in Arizona, Illinois, Nevada, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Washington, and Alaska. We serve retail, commercial, and wholesale customers, providing all types of tires and tire services, along with automotive repairs and services at our retail locations. We provide our commercial customers with commercial tires, farm tires, and mining tires, as well as roadside assistance, powder coating, tire and wheel balancing, wheel mounting, truck alignments, and fleet inspections. Purcell Tire and Service Centers can help tire dealers and automotive service centers save money on their tire purchases with our wholesale operations.


Purcell Tire and Service Center 618-877-1572
2248 Madison Ave,
Granite City , IL 62040 UNITED STATES
Purcell Tire and Service Center

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Purcell Tire and Service Center
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Purcell Tire and Service Center

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