Cosmetologists Building Clientele

Cosmetologists Building Clientele

Hair Salons in Marietta, GA

Hair Salons Business Consulting and Services

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750 Franklin Rd. SE,
Marietta , GA 30067 UNITED STATES

About Cosmetologists Building Clientele

CVNINC The beauty business enterprise offers three business programs, The Investment in Excellence, (describes the importance of rod & roller placement, shear design, permanent wave services for all ethnic hair types ). The Visible Invisible, ( presents services not offered in salons that could prevent your doors from closing). Building a Clientele ( offers 25 successful business practices, small business management, adult marketing that prevent business loss in any economy ) Seminars are held at local salons on Sunday & Monday. Salons hosting seminars are compensated $2800.. To host and attend our seminars dial 770-590-9754. Seminar attendance is $350. Seminars are 6 hours. Seating is limited to twenty guess per seminar. We subject the benefits of franchising and unionizing salons .Every seminar a stylist will be rewarded $450. for continuing education. I am Mister Habits, the Education Consultant.


Cosmetologists Building Clientele 770-590-9754
750 Franklin Rd. SE,
Marietta , GA 30067 UNITED STATES
Cosmetologists Building Clientele

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Cosmetologists Building Clientele
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Cosmetologists Building Clientele

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