Ignite Movement Church

Ignite Movement Church

Religious Organizations in El Paso, TX

Religious Organizations Churches

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440 South Yarbrough Dr.,
El Paso , TX 79915 UNITED STATES

About Ignite Movement Church

Pastors Valenzuela lead a church with a vision to advance the Kingdom by winning souls—they affirm individuals, disciple them and send them out into their calling and destiny. Through consistent and persistent intercessory prayer, Pastor Patty has birthed a revival that is bringing in a harvest in El Paso, Texas. Though the supernatural has become natural to Pastors Andy and Patty Valenzuela, they possess down to earth values- believing that building relationships with others is the foundation for a thriving church.


Ignite Movement Church 915-500-6013
440 South Yarbrough Dr.,
El Paso , TX 79915 UNITED STATES
Ignite Movement Church

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Ignite Movement Church
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Ignite Movement Church

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