DC Smiles | Lawrence D. Singer

DC Smiles | Lawrence D. Singer

Dentists in Alexandria, VA


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809 Cameron St,
Alexandria , VA 22314 UNITED STATES

About DC Smiles | Lawrence D. Singer

With Dr. Lawrence Singer’s professional expertise in general, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry, DC Smiles provides comprehensive dental care to Washington, DC, and Alexandria, VA, patients. DC Smiles is dedicated to TMJ, sleep apnea and oral health and pioneering integrative treatments. Our Alexandria dental team can also diagnose and treat facial pain, facial injuries and perform a full range of dental implants. Schedule a comprehensive consultation today to discuss your goals for your smile.


DC Smiles | Lawrence D. Singer 703-299-4614
809 Cameron St,
Alexandria , VA 22314 UNITED STATES
DC Smiles | Lawrence D. Singer

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DC Smiles | Lawrence D. Singer

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