Safeguard Shredding LLC

Safeguard Shredding LLC

Business Consulting and Services in Fort Myers, FL

Business Consulting and Services

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2212 Andrea Lane, Unit A,
Fort Myers , FL 33912 UNITED STATES

About Safeguard Shredding LLC

SafeGuard Shredding offers mobile and drop off shredding for documents, all kinds of paperwork, DVD's, video media and pretty much anything you can name. But we take things one step further. For instance we offer a scan and shred service that doctors, lawyers, medical facilities, realtors and business people will love. We can literally scan all your documents before we shred them basically taking a mountain of documents and put them on a computer file that's smaller than a mole hill. This allows you to get rid of all that paper, but at the same time have the ability to look up or even print copies of the documents if for some reason you need them at a later date.

Whether you are a business or simply a homeowner we are the answer to all your shredding needs

We are the solution you've been looking for.


Safeguard Shredding LLC 239-437-7441
2212 Andrea Lane, Unit A,
Fort Myers , FL 33912 UNITED STATES
Safeguard Shredding LLC

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Safeguard Shredding LLC
Business Consulting and Services
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Safeguard Shredding LLC

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