Sara Toudouze Piano & Voice Studio

Sara Toudouze Piano & Voice Studio

Arts & Entertainment in San Antonio, TX

Arts & Entertainment

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3407 Rock Creek Run St.,
San Antonio , TX 78230 UNITED STATES

About Sara Toudouze Piano & Voice Studio

Sara Toudouze has been specializing in teaching private music lessons to human students of all ages since 1973. Her current music lesson studio has been in constant operation since 1982. Each student's lesson is planned based on the individual student's needs, weaknesses, strengths, background, confidence-level, and interest. The common goals for all her students are to build knowledge through skill, build motivation and confidence with excellent practice methods, and to gain new perspectives about music by meeting other music students and sharing music-making in a non-threatening performance setting with each other.


Sara Toudouze Piano & Voice Studio 210-690-8331
3407 Rock Creek Run St.,
San Antonio , TX 78230 UNITED STATES
Sara Toudouze Piano & Voice Studio

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Sara Toudouze Piano & Voice Studio
Arts & Entertainment
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Sara Toudouze Piano & Voice Studio

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