Dr. Daniel Ruff

Dr. Daniel Ruff

Dentists in Bay City, MI


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1631 East Midland Road,
Bay City , MI 48706 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Daniel Ruff

Dental/AlveolarSurgery is a discipline that intervenes and corrects undesirable features of the teeth and supporting structures in the oral cavity. Many procedures fall in this category requiring knowledge in all the dental specialties. Just a few examples would be but not limited to: Root Canals, Veneers, Crowns, Fillings, PeriodontalTreatments, Implants, Tooth Extractions, Impacted Wisdom Teeth, Orthodontics(Braces), Bone Grafts, Sinus Grafts, Monocortical Ramus and Symphysial Grafts,Surgical Endodontics, Bleaching, Treatment of Excessive Jaw Forces, Removable Appliances,Microsurgical Tissue Grafting, Fixed Prosthetics, Cysts Removals andPathological Reports, etc. This also includes techniques designed to rebuild bone structure with minimal surgical intervention and optimal patient comfort.We can also diagnose and treat facial pain, facial injuries, and fractures.


Dr. Daniel Ruff 989-893-3082
1631 East Midland Road,
Bay City , MI 48706 UNITED STATES
Dr. Daniel Ruff

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