H L Signs

H L Signs

Auto Repair in Springfield, OR

Auto Repair Real Estate Services Advertising and Design Services

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2787 Olympic St #9,
Springfield , OR 97477 UNITED STATES

About H L Signs

H&L SIGNS is a family owned and operated business here to fulfill your sign needs. Here is a list of services we offer. - Vinyl stickers, decals, banners, signs, T-shirts, etc. (Custom) - Glass etching/engraving - sandblasting (ask us) - Sign repair - Sign installation - Sign cleaning If you have a question about a job that's not listed (or listed) just ask and we will let you know if we do it or not! We try to do as much as we can to provide high quality, long lasting signs, at reasonable prices. If you know what you want and can provide specific guidelines or images, we can give you an estimate within 24-48 hours. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority, and no unfinished or poor quality sign will ever leave our shop.


H L Signs 541-726-2471
2787 Olympic St #9,
Springfield , OR 97477 UNITED STATES
H L Signs

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H L Signs
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