Scion of Louisville

Scion of Louisville

Auto Dealers in Louisville, KY

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


6514 Dixie Highway,
Louisville , KY 40258 UNITED STATES

About Scion of Louisville

Scion of Louisville is committed to giving Louisville and Lexington customers the best possible Scion services available. We are constantly training and updating our employees to be the best representatives of a leading Scion dealer in KY. When you walk in to our dealership you can immediately tell the difference. Each staff member has detailed knowledge of each Scion model. Purchasing a new Scion or used Scion can be an intimidating process, and we are here to make that process as easy as possible. Let Scion of Louisville show you how simple purchasing a car can be!

Contact us today!


Scion of Louisville 888-334-9989
6514 Dixie Highway,
Louisville , KY 40258 UNITED STATES
Scion of Louisville

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