TKO Tire and Service

TKO Tire and Service

Auto Repair in Magnolia, IL

Auto Repair Motorcycles Sales & Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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14049 Il. Hwy 18,
Magnolia , IL 61336 UNITED STATES

About TKO Tire and Service

Thank you for choosing TKO Tire and Service. We appreciate your business. We take pride in our customer service and feel confident that you will be happy with our products and services. Our Services include the following: *Batteries *Tires most brands available *Auto Repair Service Brands include but not limited to the following: *BKT *Firestone *Bridgestone *Continental/General *Toyo *Kumho *GT Solideal industrial and Tracks. And much more. Our certified specialist have vast knowledge of auto repair with over 20 years experience. Don't hesitate to call us. We are here for all your auto repair and tire needs. Again, thank you for choosing us you will not be disappointed in our friendly staff and service.


TKO Tire and Service 815-869-4249
14049 Il. Hwy 18,
Magnolia , IL 61336 UNITED STATES
TKO Tire and Service

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TKO Tire and Service
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TKO Tire and Service

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