I X Design Builders

I X Design Builders

Contractors in Alliance, NE

Contractors Home Remodeling

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1240 Mississippi Ave,
Alliance , NE 69301 UNITED STATES

About I X Design Builders

With I X Design Builders we have a plethera of service available for the new builder as well someone looking to update their existing home. We can: Interior Install All Types of Tile Do a complete Interior Remodel Remodel Kitchens & Bathrooms Install Granite or Concrete Counter Tops Customer Woodworking and Cabinetry Exterior Exterior Concrete & Landscaping Acid Concrete Stain Stamped Concrete Flat Work Patios/Driveways We are Licensed and Insured


I X Design Builders 308-760-6449
1240 Mississippi Ave,
Alliance , NE 69301 UNITED STATES
I X Design Builders

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I X Design Builders

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