Mike Wirth Construction

Mike Wirth Construction

Contractors in Wolf Creek, MT

Contractors Plumbers and Heating Technicians

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990 MT Hwy 434,
Wolf Creek , MT 59648 UNITED STATES

About Mike Wirth Construction

Whether it be recreational ponds, spring development, stream work, or stock water systems, Mike Wirth Construction has the experience and resources to make the most out of your water project. We also specialize in subdivision water/sewer systems, and residential septic systems. Mike Wirth Construction can move dirt to all levels from small to large scale projects. We have the knowledge and experience to shape your land, driveway, home site, or yard to your specifications. We also specialize in demolition and site clean-up including forestry rehabilitation. Site Work: General Excavation for residential foundations Demolition and cleanup Site grading and drainage including contours Installation of utilities and water lines


Mike Wirth Construction 406-439-4778
990 MT Hwy 434,
Wolf Creek , MT 59648 UNITED STATES
Mike Wirth Construction

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Mike Wirth Construction

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