Freehold Jeep

Freehold Jeep

Auto Dealers in Freehold, NJ

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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4304 Route 9 South,
Freehold , NJ 07728 UNITED STATES

About Freehold Jeep

A family owned and operated Jeep dealership, Freehold Jeep caters to those looking for a quality new or certified pre-owned Jeep in New Jersey. Located at 4304 U.S. 9, our friendly staff supplies guests with supreme Jeep service, a range of ongoing Jeep lease deals, and so much more! Whether you're looking to test drive a brand new Jeep Wrangler, Grand Cherokee, or Patriot, repair your Jeep Renegade, or simply discuss certified pre-owned Jeep prices, our team of skilled Jeep dealers are always eager to assist.

To serve our customers in the best way possible, we strive to offer the best in Jeep lease, service, and parts special offers. Visit us online to browse current promotions including lease deals on the Jeep Compass Altitude, the Jeep Cherokee 4x4, and the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Visit our dealership and service center today to fulfill all of your Jeep needs!


Freehold Jeep 732-780-2900
4304 Route 9 South,
Freehold , NJ 07728 UNITED STATES
Freehold Jeep

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