Holistic Therapy Centers

Holistic Therapy Centers

Day Spas in Salt Lake City, UT

Day Spas Herbs & Naturopathic Medicine Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine

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3350 Highland Drive,
Salt Lake City , UT 84106 UNITED STATES

About Holistic Therapy Centers

Holistic Therapy Centers offer colon hydrotherapy, constitutional hydrotherapy, ozone saunas and intravenous vitamin and mineral therapies.

Our specialty is helping clients to regain their health and vitality by offering therapies which help detoxify the body, to remove toxins, and thus to increase their health.

We live in a very toxic environment. Over time our bodies become overburdened by the accumulation of these toxic residues.

No matter what the condition or diagnosis, the underlying causes, though numerous, are very often the body's total burden of accumulated toxins.

We also support those individuals who understand the importance of juice fasting. Our therapies aid this wonderful approach to health by helping the body to rid these stored toxins as quickly as possible.


Holistic Therapy Centers 801-875-9292
3350 Highland Drive,
Salt Lake City , UT 84106 UNITED STATES
Holistic Therapy Centers

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Holistic Therapy Centers
Day Spas
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colonics,  saunas,  hydrotherapy juice detox
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Holistic Therapy Centers

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