5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location

5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location

Real Estate Services in Los Angeles, California

Real Estate Services Weddings

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5401 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca 90036,
Los Angeles , California 90036 UNITED STATES

About 5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location

5401Olympic is a house-ready for filming that offers complete and amazing amenities that every scouters or location managers are looking for. It showcases a 1920's large Spanish Style property with strong character. It is conveniently located at 5401 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, California where you can shoot any kind of movies. In addition, it is also available for wedding venue and photo shoot venue.

For availability, walkthroughs, and further location information, you may contact us directly via phone or email.


5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location 310-628-2977
5401 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca 90036,
Los Angeles , California 90036 UNITED STATES
5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location 5

Based on 1 reviews

5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location 310-628-2977
5401 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca 90036,
Los Angeles , California 90036 UNITED STATES
5 5

Located at the heart of Los Angeles, this filming location site offers just the perfect place for any kind of movie setting. It comes with four different kinds of bedrooms. There’s a modern looking room, a contemporary, and a medieval room. The whole house comes with two floors and it rest in a wide space of land measuring 3500 sq. ft. The ceiling is also something to brag about because it is really high. The whole location is fully furnished and it even comes with high end furniture. There is a dining room, living room, office, library, and more. It contains a fully stocked kitchen with several beautiful appliances. There is even a poker table, which is perfect for nights of good times when shooting a film. There is a beautiful stairs and stairwell that is wonderfully made with wooden railings. There is also a patio fireplace that is perfect for filming a romantic film. The house has an impeccable charm. It is so beautiful that it suits any kind of movie. Most specifically, the location matches a medieval themed film. Since it is located at Los Angeles, many filmmakers are happy to realize that they can reach the place in no time.
posted at 02/22/15

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5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location
Real Estate Services
5.0 (1 reviews)
film location,  film production,  film
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5401 Olympic Los Angeles Filming Location

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