Southern Auto Salvage

Southern Auto Salvage

Auto Repair in Ellenwood, GA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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3623 Grant Rd,
Ellenwood , GA 30294 UNITED STATES

About Southern Auto Salvage

As a salvage yard in Ellenwood, GA, we pride ourselves in offering quality used auto parts at competitive prices, supported by exceptional customer service and a first-rate warranty. Our used auto parts store carries a wide selection of late makes and models of used motors, used transmission and various other used auto parts, so you're much more likely to find the part that you need at our scrap yard. What sets our auto salvage yard apart from other junk yards is our service. Our service team is ready to install windshields, transmissions, motors, and rear ends on site, so stop by today and see for yourself why we're the premier junkyard serving the Atlanta metro area!


Southern Auto Salvage 404-362-0671
3623 Grant Rd,
Ellenwood , GA 30294 UNITED STATES
Southern Auto Salvage 1

Based on 1 reviews

Southern Auto Salvage 404-362-0671
3623 Grant Rd,
Ellenwood , GA 30294 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bought a 2003 vw auto transmission with 88,000 miles on it (so they say) and was told it was a great unit and it runs, they also let me look at it and told me they test the transmission by actually driving the car before they remove the transmission. Bought the transmission, get it home and install it and thats when the problems start happening. first it was a very hard shift when you go from P to R but everything else was fine, then took it for a test drive up my driveway and to my stop sign (which happens to be maybe 500ft away? enough to test and see if the trans slips) and lo and behold the transmission is slipping! Car goes in and out of gear.. so i have it towed up to a VW dealership and had them look at it..maybe a good flush is in order or the fluid is low (lol if only life was that simple, right?) and they told me the transmission is trashed, oil is black and a fluid change will do nothing, of course read over the warranty and basically if it isnt installed by an ASE certified mechanic (AKA the Stealership) your warranty is void and of course they dont cover labor..what a joke. SO basically folks if you want your $350 for your broken trans you have to pay $800-1200 for install (dealership only btw) and $800-1200 for removal then you can get your petty $350 back..what a bunch of BS!! any reviews you see about this company thats positive is most likely an employee or fake account. ill also be taking this to the BBB, yelp and anywhere else i can put this review in hopes of saving other people the time, headache and stress of going through one of these bogus scrap yards. ill also upload my receipt from them as well to add some legitimacy to this claim. My advice go with S&W auto salvage, called and i think his name is nick, but he was very professional and although he was a little more expensive i would much rather have gone with him, he explained everything out confidently and knew exactly what he was talking about, he also explained how they test the transmission and their other parts and he sounds like and honest guy, not to mention they have about 120 more reviews than these people and almost 4 stars
posted at 08/24/17

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Southern Auto Salvage
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