Marty's Auto Works - Oviedo

Marty's Auto Works - Oviedo

Auto Repair in Oviedo, FL

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


210 E. Broadway,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES

About Marty's Auto Works - Oviedo

Marty’s Auto Works specializes in the most challenging auto problems, and we welcome you to our shop where your needs will be met and exceeded by our highly skilled ASE-certified technicians. Our team is qualified to work on ALL makes and models of passenger cars, trucks and SUVs as well as hybrid vehicles.

Stop in, give us a call or request an appointment online to let us know how we can help you!

Our experts have the knowledge to service and repair even the most difficult auto problems on ALL makes and models of domestic and import vehicles. We use the latest technology to assess the situation and offer you alternatives, and we will make sure that you get the best parts and quality service available. Our team guarantees all of our work, and we know you’ll be happy with the outcome.

We specialize in TOTAL car care services:

Scheduled maintenance services
Electric and computer system diagnosis and repair
Oil changes
Engine work and repairs
Cooling and heating services
Steering and suspension systems
Brake services
Engine and transmission repair and rebuild
Shocks and struts
CV drive axle repair
Fuel systems
Exhaust systems
Front end repair
Headlight aiming


Marty's Auto Works - Oviedo 407-327-1467
210 E. Broadway,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES
Marty's Auto Works - Oviedo

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Marty's Auto Works - Oviedo
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Marty's Auto Works - Oviedo

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