Auto Repair in Oakmont, PA
Auto Repair • Contractors • Charities and Charitable Foundations
423 Plum St,
Oakmont ,
A fast and friendly towing company in Pittsburgh, PA, Bikini offers auto salvage services and 24 hour emergency towing. Our towing professionals are fully trained, and our company is licensed and insured.
Services include: Towing, Emergency towing, Equipment hauling, Junk car removal
Bikini Towing offers a wide range of services. From auto salvage and used tires to 24 hour emergency towing, we can help you with most of your car removal needs.
Local / Long Distance Towing
We are happy to handle local and long distance calls. Whether you need to be towed across town or a few towns over, Bikini Towing can do it for you. We have flatbeds available for specialty cars, and we offer fast response times to all calls.
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