Furniture in Algodones, NM
Furniture • Contractors • Gardening and Landscaping
7 Bowersville Rd,
Algodones ,
Tannebaum Landscape Trees specializes in mature deciduous and evergreen landscaping trees.
Located in Algodones, New Mexico, 20 minutes north of Albuquerque, we offer a wide variety of species and large selection sizes of landscaping trees. Stop by the tree farm or call us today!
The tree nursery is open to the public Monday thru Friday from 8am to 4pm. Once you turn into the property at the Tannenbaum Landscape Tree sign, follow the road to the left until you see the Santa Fe railroad car. If the tree farm laborers are not around, ring the bell across from the railroad car.
Give us a call if you have questions or would like to consult with our tree expert who can tell you more about the trees or help advise you on landscape design and tree choices.
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