Mater Towing and Recovery

Mater Towing and Recovery

Auto Repair in Leicester, NY

Auto Repair Towing

Contact us


2939 Cuylerville rd,
Leicester , NY 14481 UNITED STATES

About Mater Towing and Recovery

Mater Towing & Recovery to the Rescue!

If its a towing service you need to take care of your car problems give us a car. Whether you need a little battery charge, some gas to get that engine running, or any roadside assistance, we're here and we're on our way.

With 24/7 service, there isn't a moment too late or early for us to come save you from your roadside dilemma.

For 3 years we have made our business to make sure that we give the service you need. We may not have a Tow truck but our roll back and flatbed always do the job.

So give us a call, we are ready and waiting. Mater Towing & Recovery, recovery is our name, saving you and your vehicle is our mission.


Mater Towing and Recovery 585-519-3452
2939 Cuylerville rd,
Leicester , NY 14481 UNITED STATES
Mater Towing and Recovery

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Mater Towing and Recovery

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