Juicebox Designs

Juicebox Designs

Advertising and Design Services in Nashville, TN

Advertising and Design Services

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4709 Idaho Avenue,
Nashville , TN 37209 UNITED STATES

About Juicebox Designs

Juicebox Designs is a small award-winning graphic design firm specializing in print media.

Juicebox Designs creates logos and branding campaigns, product packaging, book covers and interiors, Bible packaging, catalogs, brochures, annual reports, interior space branding and way-finding, amongst about anything else that can be designed and produced, either in 2D or 3D. We also do custom illustration and typography that we often incorporate into our designs for these different applications.

"Perhaps the biggest benefit to the Juicebox approach is the peace of mind that your logo, your marketing piece, your packaging, graphic standards, etc., will be purposeful – not just pretty. Therein lies the difference."
– Miriam Drennan, That Writer


Juicebox Designs 615-297-1682
4709 Idaho Avenue,
Nashville , TN 37209 UNITED STATES
Juicebox Designs

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Juicebox Designs
Advertising and Design Services
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Juicebox Designs

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