Baldwin Body Shop

Baldwin Body Shop

Automotive in Milledgeville, GA

Automotive Auto Repair

Contact us


121 W Screven St,
Milledgeville , GA 31061 UNITED STATES

About Baldwin Body Shop

Whether you’ve been in a serious accident or the paint from your car has simply begun chipping away, Baldwin Body Shop, one of the top auto body repair shops in Milledgeville, GA, has you covered. Their experience, commitment to excellent customer service, and knowledge of auto repair allow them to perform various services related to auto body restoration and collision repair.

From dent removal to paint restoration, this auto body repair shop handles a multitude of tasks when it comes to returning your car to its former glory. Their technicians offer towing services for those involved in both major and minor auto accidents, along with painting and paintless dent removal, in an effort to save your car from being a potential eyesore on the road.

When it comes to auto body repair in Baldwin County, this is the shop best equipped to handle your needs. Contact Baldwin Body Shop today by calling (478) 452-6316 to request more information or to schedule an appointment.


Baldwin Body Shop 478-452-6316
121 W Screven St,
Milledgeville , GA 31061 UNITED STATES
Baldwin Body Shop 4

Based on 3 reviews

Baldwin Body Shop 478-452-6316
121 W Screven St,
Milledgeville , GA 31061 UNITED STATES
4 5


Owner just cares about money. Very deceitful and corrupt. They'll pretend to fix your car, but cannot!
posted at 02/06/11
Baldwin Body Shop 478-452-6316
121 W Screven St,
Milledgeville , GA 31061 UNITED STATES
4 5


Do not take your automobile here! My friend took his car here because there was a crack on the rear bumper, from getting hit. It needed a new bumper. They(owner) said that it will be replaced and as good as new. It did look good as...
posted at 12/16/10
Baldwin Body Shop 478-452-6316
121 W Screven St,
Milledgeville , GA 31061 UNITED STATES
4 5

Completely disappointed

I brought my car here in hopes of getting it repaired. The owner promised that the car would be good as new. Almost 5 months later, I was excited to finally get my car back, but it wasn't what I expected. In all honesty it almost looks...
posted at 03/03/11

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Baldwin Body Shop
4.0 (3 reviews)
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Baldwin Body Shop

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